Five Minute Friday: {Song}

Five Minute Friday: {Song}

  We have this newfangled console in our gas-guzzler that lists the artist and the name of the song that’s playing on the radio. Some days I want to smash it with a sledgehammer. There are some among us who insist on knowing exactly what that screen says...
Control {It’s Just an Illusion}

Control {It’s Just an Illusion}

I love commencement addresses. The pithy bits of wisdom dispensed, the tingle of excitement in the air, the graduates all giddy with anticipation in their decorative hats. Funny thing, I can’t remember a word that was spoken at any of those addresses where I was...
Five Minute Friday: Jump

Five Minute Friday: Jump

Jump. Without fear of what lies ahead. The adrenaline rush far outweighs any danger lurking just out of sight. This is what motherhood has taught me. Not to live carelessly with reckless abandon but to embrace opportunity and find joy in the small moments of this...
Five Minute Friday {Broken}

Five Minute Friday {Broken}

Broken. In our house, we lose our minds when something breaks. Whether it’s a toy, a faucet, a torn page in a book… control freaks that we are, both the adolescent and adult variety, can’t handle the chaos and uncertainty of brokenness. And if...

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