Chasing My Muse: Any Tips For A Newbie?

Chasing My Muse: Any Tips For A Newbie?

I’m up to my eyebrows in edits, my other project is “stuck” mid-scene, and the humidity is oppressive today, chasing me indoors from my favorite writing spot: our screened porch. What I wouldn’t give for a walk on the beach right now, the one...
Five Minute Friday: {Story}

Five Minute Friday: {Story}

The highlight of this word-wrangler’s week: an opportunity to write, unscripted, for five minutes. Come join this fabulous community of encouraging and talented folks. Link up with Lisa Jo Baker and the finest flash mob around right here. Word of the day? STORY...
Let’s Review, Shall We?

Let’s Review, Shall We?

I’m in complete denial that July is over. When Emily at Chatting at the Sky shared her list of things she learned last month and invited us to link up, I hopped to it. While my brain is a vessel for all sorts of minutiae regarding Legos, Star Wars and Angry...
What’s In A Name?

What’s In A Name?

His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge…George Alexander Louis…doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, does it? I was really hoping for Spencer. I wonder what they’ll call him for short? Maybe they should take a page from the Southerners...
Five Minute Friday: {Listen}

Five Minute Friday: {Listen}

  “You’re short on ears and long on mouth.”  ― John Wayne For real. When did I get so bad at this? I feel like my ability to listen well gets worse with each passing year. Is it the number of children residing in my home? The buzz of activity that hums at a...
Five Minute Friday: {Imagine}

Five Minute Friday: {Imagine}

For my own amusement, I often imagine what I’ll write in the acknowledgements page of my novel when it’s published. After the back cover, the author’s acknowledgements are the first thing I read when I start a new book. It’s like a backstage...

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