Every year on February 2nd Anne Bogel of Modern Mrs. Darcy commemorates the midpoint of winter by sharing what’s saving her life right now. She invites others to share their coping strategies as well. This year Anne’s post is especially poignant. The advice shared by members of her community in the comments are fantastic. I’ve decided to joing the fun, so here are 5 things saving my life this gloomy February.

The days are getting a smidge shorter yet the weather remains colder than I’d prefer. It can be easy to start feeling down in the dumps. But there are plenty of ways to fight off the winter blues!

Here are a few of my favorite coping strategies for thriving this gloomy February:

Get a haircut. If you haven’t been to see your stylist in a while, February is the perfect time. I’m not advocating for a radical makeover or a dramatic change (unless that’s what you genuinely want). Winter is a season when we often allow our mood to influence our behavior. Sometimes caring for our appearance gets pushed aside. But there’s nothing quite like a haircut from a professional, especially when they take the time to wash and style your hair as well. it’s an excellent way to practice self-care, it’ll boost your confidence and you’ll leave the salon with a little extra spring in your step. Just because it’s cold and you might often wear a hat or a hood outside, doesn’t mean you can’t have a flattering haircut.

Exercise: Consistent exercise is a great way to boost your mood and keep your energy levels up. Even if you don’t feel like working out, getting moving for a little while can make a big difference. Just because it’s cold doesn’t mean you have to stay indoors all the time. Bundle up and get some fresh air. A short walk around the block is better than not moving your body at all. The change of scenery will do you good.

Make plans: Having something to look forward to can help you get through the tough times. Make plans for the future, even if they’re small. Just knowing that you have something to look forward to can make a big difference. Around here, we’re brainstorming for spring break and finalizing our plans for our summer vacation.

Read the kind of books you love. Notice I didn’t say read what everybody else tells you you should be reading. During the winter months there’s a certain kind of book that I gravitate toward. Usually something that makes me feel good, or inspires me to be a better human. A laugh out loud rom-com often is my go to this time of year. For me the anticipation of having a stack of good books to read is almost as delightful as the actual reading experience.

Live plants, blooming flowers and a pretty candle: OK so this list has more than five things but I couldn’t help myself. A vibrant green plant such as a succulent or a snake plant, or fresh flowers from the grocery store paired with the glow from a pretty candle really does a lot to lift my mood. There’s just something about this combination of bright light and the sense of optimism that a living plant offers. I suppose these elements point toward the promise of spring and the hopeful assurance that this season will end and there will be something new and beautiful and hopeful just ahead.

Do you have any favorite coping strategies for winter? What’s saving your life this gloomy February? Share your thoughts with us in the comments of Anne’s post here.

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