I’m linking up with Northwest Mommy today and we’re sharing guilty and not-so-guilty pleasures. What a great listicle for the day after the Super Bowl … a number of our not so guilty pleasures were consumed during the big game.

1. Chocolate. My affection for chocolate knows no bounds. Moonstruck is my favorite upscale variety in small doses. For larger quantities, I’m pretty content with Ghirardelli’s double chocolate brownie mix, which was on the dessert menu last night at our house.

2. Dark chocolate covered pomegranates from Brookside. Fruit + dark chocolate = healthy. Right? My kids don’t like them so I don’t even have to hide them.

3. Shocktop Belgian White or Blue Moon Belgian White beer with a fresh orange wedge. I mocked my brother-in-law when he introduced us to this combo a few months back. Oh, I was so wrong. (Sorry, dude). I’m not a huge fan of beer, but now and then, it hits the spot. This is delish.

4. A great cup of coffee and a good book: These two go hand in hand as far as I’m concerned. Starbucks Veranda blend is brewing right now on this very soggy, groggy Monday morning. My TBR pile is a mile high, but I’m reading The Rosie Project now and loving it.

5. A new copy of my favorite magazine: print media has changed so much, don’t you agree? While I love the convenience of an e-reader, I’m still downright giddy when I see the latest edition of my favorite magazine. Real Simple and Country Living are at the top of my list these days.

6. A completely clean kitchen counter. I know. It’s strange. Also a rare event in a family with five people. But it makes me happy.

7. Instagram: I love the photo-sharing capability. Whether it’s hand-crafted jewelry, a sunset in a distant land or somebody’s precious child … I’m enamored with people’s photographs.

8. This song by Tim Hughes. It makes me happy. We used to attend a church where this song was sung after a child was baptized. It’s particularly memorable because our boys were baptized in that church and I always think of those milestone events when I hear this song.

9. Phone calls with my college roommate: between work, family, chores, sports, etc., it’s bizarre how long we can go without talking to one another given that we lived across the hall or in the same room for four years of our lives. But even if months go by, we always pick up right where we left off. College roomies are the best.

10. A pedicure. In my former life as a Northwest girl, pedicures were a rare event. But now that I spend a huge portion of the year in flip flops and sandals, it’s become a more regular occurrence.

There’s my random list. Your turn: any not so guilty pleasures you’d care to share? Link up and join the fun here.

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