PicMonkey Collage3Perhaps you’ve boldly shared in casual conversation that you are writing a romance novel. You feel proud of yourself. Finally. You said it out loud. Cue angels singing or a high-kicking chorus line … whatever jig you dance in a moment of self-proclaimed sweet victory.

But what if you are met with awkward silence. A polite ‘oh’. Or the raised eyebrow coupled with, “You don’t seem like the type to write romance novels.”

What is that supposed to mean? Then you clamor, backtracking to come up with a response that both defines what you write and gets you both out of this awkward interaction.

Well, a solution is at hand. I found an excellent post that I thought might remedy the situation as well as explain what ‘clean’ and ‘sweet’ high-stakes romance is all about.

Harlequin Heartwarming is actively acquiring manuscripts to meet their goal of publishing four titles a month. Senior editor Victoria Curran stopped by Romance University yesterday to explain what they are looking for and she answered several questions, so don’t miss the comments and her responses at the end. Click here to read ‘Fifty Shades of Sweet’.

I hope you find it helpful and happy writing!

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