31 Days Meets Five Minute Fridays: {Together}

Five Minute Friday: {true}

It’s true. I spent hours staring at books and scribbling on paper until I figured out how to read and write for myself … which opened up a whole new world. It’s true. The bookmobile made a thirty-mile trek (one way) to my house in the summer, where...
Five Minute Friday: {mercy}

Five Minute Friday: {mercy}

Mercy. ‘Something that gives evidence of divine favor; a blessing’ …  There are a few definitions listed for mercy, but that’s the one that resonates with me. This life is full of concepts we pay lip-service to, throw money at, raise support...

Five Minute Friday: Lonely

“Writing is like breathing, sometimes its better if you don’t think about it too hard.” -Lisa Jo Baker Five minutes. Pour out the words. Mute that feisty internal editor. Link up and feel the love. That’s how it’s done. The word for the...
Five Minute Friday: {Story}

Five Minute Friday: {Story}

The highlight of this word-wrangler’s week: an opportunity to write, unscripted, for five minutes. Come join this fabulous community of encouraging and talented folks. Link up with Lisa Jo Baker and the finest flash mob around right here. Word of the day? STORY...

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