Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

He loves to throw rocks, shells, sticks…anything he can find into the nearest body of water. The fact that he’s using his left hand makes me absolutely giddy.
Behind the Scenes: Choosing Joy

Behind the Scenes: Choosing Joy

At first glance, they are adorable. Three boys. Three chairs. Caught in a candid moment that melts a mama’s heart. But this is the last time they’ll sit in these chairs for awhile. The car is jam-packed with all our worldly possessions–at least the...
Anxiety? We Slayed It.

Anxiety? We Slayed It.

In our crazy mixed up world known as year-around school, today was our first day back. Mind you, we just finished kindergarten and third grade last week. Which means we I simultaneously purchased school supplies and sunscreen for our trip to the beach. Given our track...
Five Minute Friday: {Beautiful}

Five Minute Friday: {Beautiful}

This is it. The one week of the year where our tribe makes the faithful pilgrimage to the coast. I’m one of the outlaws–I married into this grand tradition–and the beginning is always my favorite part. This view. Right here. From the top of the...

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