Announcing My New Love Inspired Novel: A Sugar-Coated Rivalry

My new Love Inspired Novel, A Sugar-Coated Rivalry, will hit bookstore shelves on February 18, 2025! This heartwarming story transports you to my newest fictional community, the enchanting small town of Evergreen, Alaska. If you love sweet, wholesome romantic comedies filled with humor, heart, and a touch of rivalry, you’re in for a treat.

snow covered evergreen trees in winter in Alaska

The Spark of Inspiration

The inspiration for A Sugar-Coated Rivalry came from a wonderful email I received while I was on the beach enjoying my vacation in July of 2023. Long story short, the incredible team at Love Inspired Trade offered me a book deal: write a full-length contemporary romance novel set in Alaska in the winter. I was so surprised by the offer, because I’d pitched several ideas earlier in the year, but nothing that brought a green light from the editorial and marketing teams. After a quick family meeting and gleaning advice from my literary agent, I signed the contract and the brainstorming began. The Love Inspired team challenged me to create a contemporary romance set in picturesque, rugged small-town Alaska. Immediately, ideas began to swirl, and I proposed a story that blends the breathtaking scenery of the Last Frontier with the delightful, sometimes frustrating, dynamic of a hero and heroine who start off as enemies…but eventually become so much more.

Crafting the Story

Writing a 100,000-word novel is no small feat, especially when I had other writing deadlines to meet, a family to care for, and a new book to promote. But I dove into the project with enthusiasm, eager to bring the characters to life. By the end of November 2023, I had written more than half of the novel, thanks to the benefit of using dictation to create my first draft.

The second half of the journey was both exhilarating and exhausting, with many late nights spent crafting dialogue and perfecting scenes. The tropes of enemies to lovers and grumpy sunshine are two of my favorites to incorporate into a novel, but the characters’ quest to identify the impetus for their families’ long-standing feud adds a layer of complexity to the plot. I struggled to keep all the threads appropriately intertwined!

Thankfully, I met my February deadline for turning in the completed manuscript. My editor, Shana Asaro, is brilliant. She offered incredible feedback and encouragement throughout the journey toward getting this new Love Inspired novel to the finish line. Here is a quick snapshot of that process (perhaps avoid looking too closely or you might spot a spoiler).

posterboard, sticky notes, manuscript with editorial suggestions all spread at my feet on faux wood laminate kitchen floor.

The Revision Marathon

Revising 100,000 words is an intense process. I wish writers talked about how grueling this part of the writing life can be. There were moments when I felt like I was trudging through the Alaskan wilderness alongside my characters. Yet, with each round of edits, the story became sharper, more vibrant, and even more compelling. I am incredibly grateful for the support and feedback from my editorial team, whose insights were invaluable in refining and shaping this manuscript into a rom-com readers will enjoy.

The Cover Reveal

There is nothing quite like the moment when you catch the first glimpse of your book’s cover. The same day I turned in the final round of revisions, my editor sent me a draft of the cover. When I saw the illustrated design for A Sugar-Coated Rivalry, I couldn’t stop smiling. It beautifully captures the essence of the story—the snowy Alaskan setting, the playful yet tense dynamic between the leads, and the overall warmth and charm of the novel. I can’t wait to share the final cover with the world.

Join Me on This Journey

As we count down to the release of A Sugar-Coated Rivalry, I invite you to join me on this exciting journey. By subscribing to my newsletter, you’ll be the first to see the cover reveal, receive exclusive updates, and gain access to behind-the-scenes content about the making of the novel. Let’s share this adventure together!

Thank you for your unwavering support and enthusiasm. I can’t wait for you to fall in love with A Sugar-Coated Rivalry. For more information about Love Inspired books, please visit the website and follow the Love Inspired Facebook page to stay updated on all the latest news.

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