Heidi’s Blog

Summer Reading is Never Canceled

In our corner of the world, the next few months will look much different than we'd envisioned at the start of 2020. Our travel plans will shift slightly, because celebrations we'd anticipated attending are now postponed. Two of our kids are usually in school for most...

Spring Reading 2020

I've never had so much time to read and an overwhelming number of incredible books to choose from. I've also never struggled this much to concentrate. Anybody else feeling like the stress and monotony of the stay-at-home order is impacting their reading life? I refuse...

What I’m Reading

Favorite Books I finished in February I'm a voracious reader, particular this time of year when my kids are in and out of school a lot but the weather isn't great and we're frequently hanging out at home. February was a delightful month for me, reading-wise. Most of...

3 Things Saving Me from Winter

Hello, friends! We're six weeks into the new year and a new decade. For some, the optimism is still high and those new bullet journals and paper planners are fueling our motivation. But for others, 2020 already feels like an uphill slog. And the never-ending winter...

Most Anticipated Books of 2020

Most Anticipated Books of 2020

Happy New Year! The beginning of 2020 means we have brand new books to read, right? I'm determined to step beyond my comfort zone and choose a wider variety of books this year. I've also upped my game a bit and I'm going for 65 books, which is ten more than I read...

7 Steps Toward Your Best NaNoWriMo Ever

November (National Novel Writing Month) is almost here. Are you knee-deep in preptober? Or are you wondering what NaNoWriMo even means? In short, writers around the world will attempt to write 50,000 words in 30 days. The communal spirit fuels this daunting task, but...

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