Heidi’s Blog
Can’t Get Enough of Blake and Lauren?
Good news. They're on tour! A blog tour, that is. My friend, critique partner and fellow author, Marion Ueckermann, recently launched a new blog called Foreign Affaire: Finding Romance in Novel Places. Isn't she awesome? Marion offered to kick things off this month by...
Five Minute Friday: Cultivating Children Who Bloom
Photo credit: Creative Commons via Compfight The four year old and I are easing into our Friday. The brothers are off to school and he's enjoying sole control of the Kindle for another round of Fruit Ninja. I'm savoring a second cup of coffee and procrastinating a...
Waiting On Wednesday: Hello again, Mitford.
Like millions of other readers, I fell in love with the fictional town of Mitford and the delightful protagonist, Father Timothy Kavanagh in Jan Karon's incredible nine book series. When the author announced Light From Heaven would be the finale, I was heartbroken....
Vacation Rewind
After a fantastic week at the beach, it's hard to wade through the laundry, grocery shopping, preschool swim lessons and junk mail. To make life twice as exciting, our older boys started their new school year today. So I'm taking a few minutes and reliving the...
Throwback Thursday: Books and I Go Way Back
I feel like I've shared this one before, but it warms my heart and is worthy of an encore presentation. Growing up in a family business, I often wanted to be near my parents and underfoot. When customers needed attention, my presence was a bit of a problem, so one way...
Wordless Wednesday: I Love These Funny Faces
Our annual funny faces Father's Day photo shoot. I sure do love these goofballs.