Heidi’s Blog
Throwback Thursday: Preschool Firsts and Lasts
I took our last child to his last first day of preschool this morning. Are you with me? Good. It was a milestone that passed with little fanfare. I didn't cry and he didn't, either. After a few hugs initiated by him and words of encouragement, compliments of me, I...
A Read-a-thon?! Yes, please.
I'm home from vacation and trolling the internet planning my blog's editorial calendar for the next several weeks. Much to my delight, Tanya@ Mom's Small Victories posted about the upcoming Bout of Books Read-a-thon. Be still my heart. Here's the deets from the...
Waiting On Wednesday: A Life Intercepted
I'm linking up with Breaking the Spine and sharing a novel that I'm eagerly anticipating. A Life Intercepted is the next release from the talented Charles Martin. Ever since I read Unwritten and declared it one of the best books I read in 2013, I couldn't wait to get...
Five Minute Friday: Fill
Word of the day: FILL Sippy cups (only one now and probably not for long) ... Water bottles, man sized to accommodate their boy-man thirst ... lunch boxes ... ziploc bags ... permission slips ... backpacks ... washing machine and it's faithful sidekick the dryer ......
Wordless Wednesday: Water for the Win
We made our semi-annual trek to the children's museum last week. This was the first time the water table was set up outside. His expression was just precious: the wonder and amazement over a crazy plastic octopus was priceless. He loves water. And critters. And...
The Ten On Tuesdays: Ten Authors That Rule Our Shelves
Okay, book loving friends. Confession time. Name the author (or ten) that fuel your addiction. You know the one(s). They publish a novella and it's on your e-reader. A new release is announced and you automatically pre-order. Said author visits your local bookstore...