Heidi’s Blog
Blogging A to Z: A is for Art
This month I'm participating in the Blogging from A to Z challenge, posting for 26 of the 30 days in the month of April and each post corresponds to the letter in the alphabet. Apparently this is a huge blog party, with participants numbering in the thousands already....
The Grand Finale for Covering Home’s Virtual Tour
A themed tour through Prism Book Tours. We're blitzing the GRAND FINALE for Covering Home By Heidi McCahan We hope you enjoyed getting to know a little bit about Britt and Caleb and a peak into Covering Home. If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out...
It’s Monday. What Are You Reading?
A quick post on this last Monday in March to share what I'm reading. If you'd like to join the fun or you need some suggestions on what to read next, click over to Book Journey for dozens of bookwormy links. I'm a writer with a looming deadline (man, I love typing...
Friday Favorites: Daylight Saving Edition
This time change thing never works well for me. Or most of the people I live with. I can't fall asleep, but I'm dragging myself out of bed at the last minute and then wondering why we're running around like lunatics to get to school on time. There's nothing like a...
Teaser Tuesday: Covering Home On Tour
I'm excited to announce that Covering Home is going on tour. Virtual tour, that is. Woot! I'm teaming up with the wonderful ladies at Prism Book Tours for two weeks of exclusive content, featuring excerpts from the novel, character interviews, reader reviews and more!...
It’s Monday. What Are You Reading?
I'm popping in for a quick second to share what I've read recently. In case I haven't mentioned it one or seventeen times, we've battled some serious weather issues in the past two weeks. The kids missed almost two straight weeks of school, the roads were a mess,...