Heidi’s Blog
I’m Guest Blogging at Mom’s Small Victories. Let’s Talk About Vacations.
I'm a guest over at Mom's Small Victories today for Be Our Guest Fridays. We're chatting about planning a vacation that keeps the kids of multiple ages content and doesn't completely exhaust the parents, either. What's your go-to destination for family fun? I'd love...
Blogging A to Z: Skipping to G
I'm skipping over the letter 'F'. I've got nothin'. Well, nothing that starts with the letter F that I want to blog about. I do, however, have two delightful new additions on my screened porch. Happiness is a hanging basket. And 'G' is for Gerber daisies, which are my...
Blogging A to Z: E is for Every…
Photo credit: Sara Hagerty I'm a visual person. Social media is like one big giant playground to me ... sometimes to my detriment. If only the one with the most Pins wins, right? Instagram is probably my favorite platform, because it's the least overwhelming. There...
Blogging A to Z: D is for Dye
We cut the cord on cable TV several months ago and never looked back. The kids get plenty of screen time playing apps ... let's just confess that right off the top. Any television entertainment comes via Amazon Prime or Netflix, streamed through the Roku. Recently,...
Blogging A to Z: C is for Cross
I wandered around Instagram this morning looking for an amazing picture of the cross to compliment today's post. Then I remembered my goal of documenting ordinary moments and realized the perfect object for a quick photo op sat right next to me on the table. This is...
Blogging A to Z: B is for Birthday
B is for birthday ... this dude is eleven today. Welcome to Tweenerville. Buckle up, right? I hear it's quite a ride. So not ready. It's exciting to see glimpses of the older boy he's becoming. I'm sure it's a perplexing stage of childhood, especially in...