Summer is the ideal time to dive into a great book. But with so many options, how do you find the books that you really want to read this summer? Here a few tips + book recommendations to help you discover your perfect summer reads.

open book lying on top of a cream colored blanket spread on the sandy beach with the ocean in the background.

Define Your Reading Preferences

What does summer reading mean to you?

Is it about finding a cozy spot to read your favorite book? Or is it exploring new genres and authors that you might not have had time for during the busy school year? Maybe it means finding creative ways to encourage kids to read more during the long summer vacation.

For me, summer reading is a time to relax and escape into different worlds and stories. I like to travel vicariously through the pages of the books I’ve chosen. Your objectives might be completely different, and that’s okay. Maybe summer reading for you is a time to learn new things and experience different perspectives. Or perhaps the books you’ll really enjoy reading this summer are the ones that challenge you and expand your horizons.

If you aren’t sure what your preferences are (or you feel you’re in a reading slump) take some time to reflect on past books that you’ve enjoyed. Is there a pattern that emerges? Make a list of the genres, authors, and themes that appeal to you. Knowing what genres you enjoy will help narrow down your search and find books that will truly captivate you. This exercise helps you eliminate books that most likely are not for you, which is super important.

For those who enjoy online quizzes, I’ve created one to help you identify what type of booklover you are. The results include a reading guide featuring 12 books I’m recommending. You can take the free quiz here.

Browse all the Summer Reading Lists

Here’s the good news: several bookworms have already done the work of curating summer reading lists. Keep in mind, some lists are composed of titles that the curator received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for favorable placement on said list. That’s not always the case, but I feel compelled to disclose it does happen. Having said that, here are a few of my go-to reputable resources for great book recs:

Ask for Recommendations for Books to Read this Summer

Don’t be afraid to ask friends, family, or fellow bookworms on the internet for book recommendations. Chances are, someone you interact with on a regular basis has read a great book recently that they can’t stop raving about. You might just find a hidden gem that you never would have discovered on your own.

Visit your local bookstore or library and browse the shelves. Sometimes wandering the aisles leads you to your next great read. If that feels overwhelming, ask a bookseller or librarian. Often they have great recommendations or they’ve curated lists and created appealing displays for readers to browse.

If an in-person book club isn’t your vibe, there are fabulous online book communities. The comments on Modern Mrs. Darcy’s quick lit blog posts are an incredible resource for intriguing book recs. Facebook is another online resource for readers to utilize. The Girlfriend Book Club, Friends & Fiction, and Avid Readers of Christian Fiction are three vibrant groups with a diverse population of readers and preferences.

Try Something New

If you’re feeling adventurous, try something new. Step outside your comfort zone and read a new genre or author. Take a chance on a book with an intriguing synopsis or eye-catching cover. Branch out and explore diverse voices and perspectives. And by the way, it’s okay not to finish a book you’ve started. Life is too short to stick with books we aren’t enjoying, so give yourself permission to take a risk and set the book aside if it isn’t a compelling page-turner.

Final Thoughts on Finding Books You Really Want to Read this Summer

Finding the books you really want to read this summer doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a little bit of exploration and help from others, you can discover some amazing reads that will keep you entertained all summer long.

No matter what summer reading means to you, I encourage you to make it a priority this year! It’s a great way to unwind, learn, and grow. So, grab a book and find a quiet spot in your backyard, local park, or your favorite coffee shop. Or better yet, gather some friends and start a book club.

What does summer reading mean to you? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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