I’m linking up with Jessica at The Mom Creative and sharing a Throwback Thursday story from the archives. Our youngest is home from preschool for the summer and no longer in need of a nap. Often I ask him to find a quiet activity in the afternoon so I can do my “writing work” as he calls it. It was more quiet than normal today so I went to investigate. He was sitting on the floor, checking out the scrapbooks. His year of choice: 2007. Now this particular child looks remarkably like our first child, so there is quite a bit of confusion about who is in the scrapbook.

Aren’t you so grateful for modern technology that dates our digital photos? {Unless your husband uses an old camera with the date permanently stuck on 2002. Then your photo organization software goes a little cray-cray and suddenly you have pictures misdated before the subjects were even alive}.

But that’s a post for another day.

Anywho. I found Eli staring at this picture of his brother, Luke. “What’s that thing on his face?”

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Oh, yeah. The Patch. It’s funny how quickly you forget a season of life that, in the moment, felt like an ultra marathon with no finish line in sight. Or maybe I blocked it out. Ha! There’s a reason why God doesn’t hand us an itinerary for our lives with updates in real time. If we’d known in May of 2007 that patching for nine hours a day was only the first of many hurdles we’d jump in this eye alignment adventure, I think … well, I don’t even know what we would’ve done if we’d been able to see the end from the beginning. He’s our first child. We would do anything to make sure his eyes are straight and his vision uncompromised. Our ability to remain hopeful about a positive outcome, to trust that God knew what was going on with Luke’s eyes even when we didn’t–that’s where our faith was strengthened. The long commutes to the specialist, the sometimes-baffling treatment plan, four surgeries in six years… that’s where we were shaped and molded. Living day in and day out with an issue that just won’t go away definitely changes you. How could one tricky, non-compliant eyeball teach us so much?

I’m happy to report all is well on the eye alignment front now. We’ve graduated to aligning his teeth. Lucky us.


2013-07-03 21.03.44


If you’ve got a story to go with your Throwback Thursday post, please share it and link up over here.

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