1173680_10200867246460797_382685887_nI’m up to my eyebrows in edits, my other project is “stuck” mid-scene, and the humidity is oppressive today, chasing me indoors from my favorite writing spot: our screened porch. What I wouldn’t give for a walk on the beach right now, the one place that never fails to inspire me…at least that’s what I tell myself as I stare at my computer screen and try unsuccessfully to capture my muse. It would be awesome if I could crank out a thousand words before carpool this afternoon.

This is where the rubber meets the road, I suppose. The hard work of writing requires more discipline than I imagined. Sure, I’ve seen the cute sayings on Pinterest about plant bottom in chair, bleed on the page, yada yada yada. But I didn’t really think it was true. 

I have learned that I’m a visual person. We were fortunate to vacation on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts this summer. My husband took the picture posted above when we were in western Washington earlier this month. The house tucked against the hillside, buffeted by the strong winds that blow the trees permanently sideways. You can’t see it, but the mighty Pacific churns just a stone’s throw from the front porch. It’s definitely a setting that just sets my mind churning, dreaming up a plot. Maybe a widow that walks the beach or a male protagonist, tortured by his heartache…I could go on and on, but those aren’t the thousand words I need today.

What about you? As a writer, how do you find your motivation to keep writing when it’s a struggle? Pinterest boards? Photographs? Soundtracks? I would love to hear your thoughts. 


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